Welcome! Uber Button Generator

Want customer to use Uber to go to your shop?

We are here to help!!

Type your shop address

Easy to use - for end users

Estimated pick up time, as well as price would be calculated based on the end user's location. We would redirect them to the Uber app with all the information pre-filled. Your customers are one click away from your business!

Try it out here


About Ubutton

Ubutton is a button which `Uber` customer to you.

- Build an Ubutton and deploy it to your site within minutes. Copy-and-paste means no coding.
- Provide real time price and time estimate. One-click to open Uber app so your site provide a seamless experience.
- Support all platform of mobile device, even if it is Windows Phone.

** To use the services, first go to https://ubutton.github.io, put in your address and press `Generate`. Copy and paste the code onto your site. Finally, your customers click on it and get to your business!

About the team

Kyle Lam
Software Engineer

Noogler. Looking forward to make myself a Googler soon. New to Javascript, was programming in C++, Java, Shell Script.

Kaya Ota
Software Engineer

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